Our Collective Dark Night of the Soul-2020 The Eye of the Storm
The “dark night of the soul” is a term that most of us have come across in our culture and certainly encountered if we’ve been on a spiritual path of growth for any length of time. This is the term used to describe what one might call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life; an interruption into your life as a result of a deep sense of meaninglessness. We might feel its inner state and diagnose it as simply depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. Often it’s triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on an external level this could be a serious illness, the death of someone close, a redundancy or an acrimonious divorce. Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning – and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what you considered important for some reason collapses. It can be a dark place and painful. The dark night of the soul is really a death event of the old “you” and its aim is to dissolve the ego illusory self in order that you might experience a deeper more authentic connection with everything. It’s a re-birth to a higher state of your true being-an awakening to your core nature.
The best aspect of dark night soul moments is that we get to experience again that state of ignorance – where things lose the meaning that you had given them, which was all conditioned and cultural anyway . Then you can look upon the world without imposing a mind-made framework of meaning and see with new eyes. To quote Eckhart Tolle:
You look upon events, people, and so on with a deep sense of aliveness. You sense the aliveness through your own sense of aliveness, but you are not trying to fit your experience into a conceptual framework anymore.
As a collective, 2020 represents our dark night of the soul moment where we have very much been in the eye of the storm. Our old world is dead as we know it but our new world has not yet fully emerged and we have been very much in the birth canal. What has been hidden for so long has been emerging throughout the year as we move towards unity consciousness beginning at the Winter Solstice December 21st 2020. To explain what I mean I will use the Colour Mirrors system bottles G8 and G27.
Here is the bottles message:
This bottle is the darkest of the entire range. It supports you as you go into the heart of darkness in your subconscious and begin to feel the warmth and depth of love that exists there. This is the seat of all potential. It is the moment when sleep finally overtakes you. The void. The place of dreams. This bottle is called illumination, as it is only by going into the darkness and embracing it that you have the potential to step into the light. As you accept your shadow, you release your fears and judgements about the unspeakable that you hold within.
Whilst the bottle colour looks black, here lies the illusion because it’s actually deep magenta, the colour of the Soul Star chakra, hinting that what is on offer when we live from the level of our soul rather than the ego. The soul returns us to an interdependent connection with everything that exists. It is from here that we can co-create the new in a joyous and harmonious way because now our heart is in the game and we’ve stopped trying to control the outcome. We can simply be; knowing we are unified and complete, remembering our true nature.
It is likely that many of you who are awake will have been feeling the call to cleanse and purify yourselves from anything that feels small, limiting, separating and divisive. You will have been examining old belief constructs that keep you in lack and scarcity and you’ll have been questioning what is the truth in the mainstream media with regard to the pandemic. If we stay too long dwelling in the negative aspect of G8, however, we typically get sucked into and drained by the breadth of conspiracy theories which keep us fearful, angry, paranoid and ultimately powerless. Awareness is the key and G8’s true role is to shine the light on what is redundant in our life or within the collective energy and to process out old emotions so we get to experience its opposite polarity-G27. We have already seen aspects of this unity consciousness emerge as communities have pulled together to support one another with acts of kindness evident everywhere if you choose to look. So too though, have we seen the separating influences in the collective, the black/white movement being a prime example. What has been hidden must come up for release and we are talking about decades of unprocessed wounds with regard to the impact of slavery and the effect of post generational trauma in families.
We are all being called to process our shadow stuff; what we most fear is being presented to each and everyone of us, no matter who we are or where we are; we are all required to do our work. And this is one of the most positive outcomes, if you can call it that, of the pandemic’s impact. We are all in it together and that in itself is well…. unifying! With regard to the darkness, as the saying goes “ this too will pass”. The daylight always follows night time, spring always follows a hard winter.
G27 reveals to us the end of a cycle, the old era of separation and of an overly focused material world and the promise of a return to a unified way of being both individually and collectively where we work with nature rather than against it. There is an emphasis here on being over doing. This is a feminine principle and many of you have been questioning what is important in your life and yearning for a more simplified existence back to nature, with quality time to connect with self and others.The patriarchal masculine way of doing is dead; it brought progress in the form of the industrial revolution and technological advancements but does not serve us any more. Businesses are grasping the need to reexamine their values and promote a greater sense of fairness and well-being for their employees. Everything is being questioned in order to create anew. Mother Earth is calling for a re-balance and she always has the last word.
Here is the bottle message:
The diamond clarity and shine of this bottle is a mirror that reflects all your colours, all your beauty, all your infinite light. In a system called Colour Mirrors, this bottle is the clearest, truest mirror of who you really are and what you are about. You are Divine light condensed into physical form, having a human experience. All that you have ever been or ever will be is Divine perfection. Remember this, and begin to live from the truth that you have never been separate from anything or anyone in the universe. Begin to live in the oneness your spirit has always known. This bottle shines the light of Melchizedek who has been the over-lighting energy of the system since the beginning. It reveals a path to unity in mind, body, heart and soul for every human and for the planet as a whole.
This message supports us to remember our truth, that we are powerful beyond measure and that when we shine our own light we give others permission to do the same. As we stay conscious and dwell inside ourselves and drown out the chaos on the outside we are able to appreciate the bigger picture and cosmos intelligence at work. We begin to notice the impact of our thoughts on our manifestations, how our feelings motivate or burden us. This is the time when we are all being opened up to more expansive intuition and psychic levels; we can perceive more now that we could not see before and the light is returning.
On a final note I suggest that olive green is the colour of this very moment and provides hope for the future; the promise of a spring new beginning. Olive Green is associated with feminine power and feminine leadership, an aspect that has been growing in visibility throughout the course of this year and what will be crucial to the emergence of new thought leadership and innovation in all sectors in business, education, social and political life. Olive green is yellow mixed with green. It is where the solar plexus conjurns with the heart and this is the power to transform. This is a more heart based way of being aligned to true authentic power, moving away from old forms of power based on control and personal gain. The old female energies or the “witch wound” of persecution, pain and sacrifice are being removed right now so that the ancient wisdom of knowing can be resurrected and properly understood.
If you are feeling the call to step up right now and would like to work with me on a one to one basis then do get in touch. There has never been a better time to embrace the unknown and go deeper with your shadow self!