Mind-Body Connection
“Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on every thought you are having”
There is mounting evidence for the role of the mind in disease and healing and this is leading to a greater acceptance of the common sense notion that ‘too much stress makes you sick'.
The second of two large-scale epidemiological and medical studies among civil servants in the UK, known as the Whitehall studies, found that workers in low-level jobs, in which they have high stress and little autonomy, have more than twice the risk of developing metabolic syndrome—a precursor of heart disease and diabetes compared with employees in higher-level jobs (Chandola et al, 2006). The first Whitehall study showed that people from this group are also more inclined to die prematurely than colleagues who do less menial, higher-level work. In these studies, stress is defined as a high level of demand, a low level of control and little support from co-workers or supervisors. By measuring heart rate, and cortisol and adrenaline levels, researchers also found that stress affects the autonomic nervous system and neuroendocrine function.
Although the understanding that emotions affect physical health dates as far back as the second-century physician, Galen, modern medicine has largely continued to treat the mind and body as two separate entities. In the past 30 years, however, research into the link between health and emotions, behaviour, social and economic status and personality has moved both research and treatment forward.
The Placebo Effect
Scientists and doctors have long been puzzled by how certain patients have been able to heal themselves of life-threatening diseases. Doctors have found that a patient can trigger self-healing by the mere belief that they will be cured. This is commonly called “the placebo effect.”
Doctors are finding that many people manage to get cured when they are given fake medication, called placebos, which usually consist of nothing more than sugar pills or distilled water, and then told by their doctors that they were taking real medication.
There is no explanation for why the placebo effect works, except that somehow, the patient’s belief that they are getting cured triggers some sort of self-healing ability within the patient. The placebo effect is probably the best-documented way in which the mind is known to affect the body.
The opposite also works.
If you believe something is harmful to you, it tends to be.
Other Evidence for Mind-Body Interaction
Hypnotism is another way to demonstrate the mind-body effect. A hypnotist can cause someone to trigger their body’s own healing mechanism at will.
This leads to an interesting question…
Just how much of your physical body is influenced by your belief system?
Perception is everything!
All civilization or culture is based on a set of beliefs and since the dawn of civilization, people have always felt there were two parts of the world that you live in. The physical material world that can be seen and an invisible world which is unseen though often felt which has great influence over the visible world. So we as early humans, first decided there were two realms – The physical realm that you can see and touch and an invisible realm. And over history, what you are going to see is whether we believe more in the invisible realm or whether we believe more in the physical realm – these are the changes that are occurring now.
Everything is energy
We live in a universe of energy. This is the realm of quantum physics. The physical world that we experience daily is, in fact, not solid at all. This is merely an illusion of our own construct. The universe is made of sub-atomic particles. This has been proven beyond any doubt by Nobel Prize winning physicists. So everything we see plants, animals, landscape, solid objects like pieces of furniture and other people are actually just waves ,ripples of energy vibrating at lightning speed to give the appearance of a solid form and a picture in front of our eyes.
At the core base of and foundation of the universe is a single field of intelligence that connects us all through one consciousness. This is known as the unified field. This is not the creation of our minds. The unified field is the most concentrated source of intelligence, an ocean of pure potentiality. You might say it is the knowledge of enlightenment and the source of all creation.
‘The force is what gives the Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together’
Ben-Obi-Wan-Kenobi Star Wars 1V Episode A New Hope.
In essence you and I are pure energy, light vibrating at incredible speed. As humans we differ from other living forms, plants and animals because we have human consciousness, the capacity to think and influence matter than merely acting instinctively. That’s the function of our neo-cortex within our brain and the most evolved part of our brain. The majority of us don’t influence matter that is because we do not expect to do so. That in itself takes a major shift in our thought apparatus to be able to influence matter to the point where a person alone can cause psychokinetic effects with mind power.
So it is our thoughts, our consciousness that puts together and holds together this ever-changing energy field into tangible objects that we believe we see as solid. Each of us has nerve receptors in our bodies that can take energy vibrations and turn them into touch, sight, sound, taste and smell. These are the five senses we have been trained to rely on predominantly.
Your set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certain standpoint and makes an image from this. It is not, however, complete or accurate, merely an interpretation of your construction. We interpret our existence and our reality based on our map of reality which is a result of our conditioning and our collective life experiences. When you were born you were unconditioned, acting instinctively, expressing emotions openly. Slowly we get conditioned into our everyday perception of reality, one that is common to others so we can fit in and interact with people. We begin to apply the social norms and behaviour that gets reinforced in school and then in work. We begin to believe what we are told. We begin to try and quantify everything on a rational basis. Conventional thinking would have us believe it is not possible to walk on hot coals where the temperature is higher than boiling water and not burn ourselves. Conventional thinking would have us believe that we can’t see or visualise anything other than what you see with your eyes but how does this explain tribal shaman throughout the centuries with the ability for remote viewing or the modern day clairvoyant for that matter?
So what does this all mean?
Put simply, we create our own reality. We literally do become what we think about. Those with the greatest imaginations and self-belief have the greatest capability of manifesting success; though it involves rather more than positive thinking and day-dreaming. The first building block is the understanding that we each have the capacity to create the life we desire by harnessing our own internal power.